









你想更认识三一神中的这位圣灵吗?史普罗是一位圣经的教师,他探讨了圣灵在我们生命中的各个角色,因此对圣灵有深刻的认识。他能非常精准地处理一些最复杂、最常见的议题。当教义萎缩,许多人对神学不感兴趣之际,史普罗重振了这方面的教导。他对神学的忠诚、对教导的热情,以及他基督徒的风范,都是大家的榜样。 本书从神学、历史神学、解经三个层面,细腻且深刻地剖析圣灵是三位一体神的第三位格。又透过轻松、深入浅出的表达法,给予圣灵论精彩及清楚的解说。



奥古斯丁说:「律法的功用在於证明人有罪,从而把人引向基督的救恩。」马丁路德说:「我们并不废除律法,而是知道律法真正的功用乃是催逼人寻求基督……律法不只显明人的罪、显明上帝的忿怒,还引人信靠基督。」 加尔文说:「摩西只有一个心愿,就是邀请人直接投靠基督。」作者文笔流畅,言简意赅,深入浅出地阐释,让读者一探十诫的深邃与丰富。

Mere Christianity

Author: C.S. Lewis

In the classic Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis, the most important writer of the 20th century, explores the common ground upon which all of those of Christian faith stand together. Bringing together Lewis’ legendary broadcast talks during World War Two from his three previous books The Case for Christianity, Christian Behavior, and Beyond Personality, Mere Christianity provides an unequaled opportunity for believers and nonbelievers alike to hear this powerful apologetic for the Christian faith.

The Prophetic Imagination

Author: Walter Brueggemann

In this challenging and enlightening treatment, Brueggemann traces the lines from the radical vision of Moses to the solidification of royal power in Solomon to the prophetic critique of that power with a new vision of freedom in the prophets. Here he traces the broad sweep from Exodus to Kings to Jeremiah to Jesus. He highlights that the prophetic vision and not only embraces the pain of the people but creates an energy and amazement based on the new thing that God is doing. In this new edition, Brueggemann has completely revised the text, updated the notes, and added a new preface.


作者:巴刻 J. I. Packer

本书作者巴刻认为,神学是为赞美神与操练敬虔用的,所以神学表达之路,是引人注意神的同在。 最佳的神学是能使人感受到活在神的注目之下,并且歌颂祂的荣耀。 巴刻将这永久的要理以简明的篇幅表达出来,帮助读者更容易掌握神学之道。



这是一本博大精奥又深入浅出,探讨实存真象的好书。 其内容涵盖广阔: 「博」是由科学到宗教,由哲学到人生,由数学到神学,由物理到信仰…… ;「大」是由浩瀚宇宙到永恒真理,由伟大真神到奇妙神迹,由人本主义到神本思维…… ;「精」是由相对定理到绝对真理,由人脑智能到电脑巧思,由人体结构到万物组成…… ;「奥」是由物质万象到实存真象,由相对论到量子论,由电子、质子、中子之原子世界,到星星、月亮、太阳及银河系群之无际太空…… ;再加上分析讲解生命与意义、时间与永恒、预定与自由、逻辑与解经、理性与信仰…… 等等有趣并益智之专题与学问,来探讨「实存」之意义,以助人建立正确的宇宙观及人生观,并且至终切盼引领读者认识并归向那永恒且独一的「实存」,就是创造万物,使万物得以实存的那位自有永有的真正「实存者」── 宇宙之造物主,真神。


作者:麦葛福(Alister E. Mcgrath)

本书包含三个主要的段落: 划时代的里程碑:从教父时期到现代,基督教神学的历史发展,有完整的说明。 这个部分对于历史上重要的运动、争论,以及当代神学重要经典的作者,包括后现代主义、后自由主义,与正统福音派思想,都有完整的介绍与解说。 来源与方法:详尽地叙述神学用语的本质,神学起源的本质(圣经、理性、传统、经验),以及它们在教会历史上应用的方法。 基督教神学:对基督教神学的主要议题有详细的分析。 虽然这些研讨主题全是最现代的,但是对教父时期、中世纪,及宗教改革时期的争论也有相当分量的着墨。

Essentials of Evangelical Theology

Author: Donald G. Bloesch

Deals with contemporary evangelical issues including preaching, heaven and hell, and the personal return of Christ, balancing traditional doctrine and Biblical interpretation with the Christian need to promote evangelical unity

Toward an Old Testament Theology

Author: Walter Kaiser Jr.

Recognizing the major crisis in biblical theology, namely the inability of the discipline to restate and reapply the authority of the Bible, Walter Kaiser here offers a solution to the unresolved issues of definition and methodology in Old Testament theology. A proper understanding of biblical theology, explains the author, ‘shows us an inner center of plan to which each biblical writer consciously and deliberately contributed; however, this inner biblical unity, which biblical theologians traditionally have been loathe to adopt for fear of gratuitously imposing a grid of their own devising over the text, is a center that is inductively supplied and confirmed by the text of Scripture itself. That center is the promise of God

The Christian Tradition

A History of the Development of Doctrine, Vol. 1: The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition
Author: Jaroslav Pelikan

In this five-volume opus—now available in its entirety in paperback— Pelikan traces the development of Christian doctrine from the first century to the twentieth.

A Portrait of Jesus

Author: Joseph F. Girzone

There are countless paths to follow when seeking spiritual guidance, but thousands of years of religion and theology cannot replace the premier example that Jesus himself set. In A Portrait of Jesus, bestselling writer Joseph Girzone recaptures the truth of Jesus that is presented in the Gospels and gives a compelling vision of the person Jesus’ contemporaries must have known. In his most powerful work yet, Girzone seeks to personify Christ in the minds of readers by asking some simple questions: “What did people see in Jesus as he walked down the street? How did he approach others and what would these people take away from meeting him? What do his actions tell us about how we can live our lives today?” It is Girzone’s empowering and loving understanding of the heart of Christianity that will make A Portrait of Jesus a groundbreaking classic in the tradition of his bestselling books, Joshua and Never Alone.

The New Covenant Unveiled

God’s Plan To Free the Last-Days Church From the Power of Sin
Author: David R. Wilkerson

“The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he will show them his covenant.” ~ Psalm 25:14. The truth of the New Covenant has been hidden for many years, but the Holy Spirit is unveiling it now to his church. It is assuredly the most liberating, sin-destroying secret of God’s heart. In this book, David Wilkerson helps you to open your heart to the truth, believe it, pray for an understanding of it, and allow you to experience a release of power over all dominion of sin.


作者:箴士.布易士 (James Montgomery Boice)

作者以浅显的文字简介基础神学,写成这套基督教信仰基础丛书。 本书为第二册,内容是讨论神如何藉基督救赎堕落的人类。 先讨论到堕落本身及它所带来的后果,其次谈到律法与恩典间的关联性,最后用基督其人和祂的工作作为总结。 这套书带给信徒有系统的教导,让信徒更深的认识神、经历神。


作者:箴士.布易士 (James Montgomery Boice)





Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion

Author: John Calvin

This is the definitive English-language edition of one of the monumental works of the Christian church. All previous editions–in Latin, French, German, and English–have been collated; references and notes have been verified, corrected, and expanded; and new bibliographies have been added.The translation preserves the rugged strength and vividness of Calvin’s writing, but also conforms to modern English and renders heavy theological terms in simple language. The result is a translation that achieves a high degree of accuracy and at the same time is eminently readable.
Long recognized for the quality of its translations, introductions, explanatory notes, and indexes, the Library of Christian Classics provides scholars and students with modern English translations of some of the most significant Christian theological texts in history. Through these works–each written prior to the end of the sixteenth century–contemporary readers are able to engage the ideas that have shaped Christian theology and the church through the centuries.

Full Life in Christ

Author: Andrew Murray

Experiencing abundant joy and dynamic power is possible for every Christian today. But first, we need to focus on the life and personality of Christ. Andrew Murray paints a portrait of the Son of God that will arouse your desire to be like Him. Depicted in these pages are many characteristics of Christ, including His compassion, His self-denial, His oneness with the Father, His prayer life, and His use of Scripture.
You will discover how you can have a full life in Him and how you, too, can reflect he life and love of Jesus in your daily walk.

The City of God

Author: Saint Augustine

On the city of God against the pagans, often called The City of God, is a book of Christian philosophy written in Latin by Augustine of Hippo in the early 5th century AD. The book was in response to allegations that Christianity brought about the decline of Rome and is considered one of Augustine’s most important works, standing alongside The Confessions, The Enchiridion, On Christian Doctrine, and On the Trinity. As a work of one of the most influential Church Fathers, The City of God is a cornerstone of Western thought, expounding on many profound questions of theology, such as the suffering of the righteous, the existence of evil, the conflict between free will and divine omniscience, and the doctrine of original sin.