
Saint Augustine

Author: T.J. van Bavel

Augustine of Hippo was a multi-facetted character: intellectual and mystic, scholar and father of the Church, bishop of a prosperous harbour town and monk, philosopher and biblical thinker. Writings like The City of God and Confessions have formed part of world literature for centuries. Augustine was the first to talk extensively about himself, thus placing the human being at the heart of the story. Saint Augustine is also a man with a heart filled with passion. This iconographic tradition constitutes the guiding thread in the book, a detailed and superbly illustrated study devoted to the man and his thinking. Saint Augustine conveyed the ardour of his love not only in his Rules for Life, which was adopted by numerous religious orders, or in the originality of his many writings, which continue to be study minutely; but also through the force of his actions within the Church of North Africa. A universal spirit and conscientious thinker, he was also a remarkable bishop, who truly took care of his people in the original sense of the word episkopos.

Just as I Am: The Autobiography of Billy Graham

Author: Billy Graham

Hailed as “the world’s preacher,” Billy Graham enjoyed a career that spanned six decades and his ministry of faith touched the hearts and souls of millions.
In Just As I Am, a #1 New York Times Bestseller, Graham reveals his life story in what the Chicago Tribune calls “a disarmingly honest autobiography.” With down-to-earth warmth and candor, Graham tells the stories of the events and encounters that helped shape his life. He recounts meetings with presidents, celebrities, and world leaders, including Harry S. Truman, Winston Churchill, Queen Elizabeth, and the Shah of Iran, and shares his own spiritual journey as he movingly reflects on his personal life and relationships. This is an inspirational and unforgettable portrait that will be treasured by readers everywhere.

Choices, Changes

Author: Joni Eareckson Tada

Joni, a quadriplegic, talks about her starring role in the movie based on her life, her ministry to the handicapped and her recent marriage

Christiana Tsai

Author: Christiana Tsai

Cai Sujuan, also known in the West as Christiana Tsai, was born the 18th of 24 children in Nanjing, China. Sujuan grew up in a fortunate setting, but she was often sad and a very serious child—she even considered becoming a Buddhist nun. She was fascinated by the English language and was initially introduced to the Gospel at a missionary school. Soon after, though she was inclined to disbelieve, the message of Jesus Christ struck Sujuan’s heart and she became a Christian.Sujuan grew in love and faith, and upon graduation decided to return home to bring her family to Christ. In all, 55 members of her family eventually followed the Lord.Later in life, Sujuan contracted malaria and spent much of the rest of her life bedridden. But her ministry only grew! From her bedside, Sujuan was able to comfort lost and broken souls more effectively than she ever had before.After many decades of faithful service to the Lord, never losing her love for her homeland, Sujuan went to be with Jesus on August 25th, 1984



蔡苏娟小姐原出生於清朝末年、笃信佛教的富贵之家,也是中国最早一批接受现代教育的女性,她是如何接受福音,又带领全家五十五人归信基督? 神如何使用她鼓励了许多福音精兵出来,甚至组成布道团? 这样精采的生命却因一场怪病而须困居美国乡间黑暗斗室,是什麽力量推动她面对每天络绎不绝、慕名而来的访客?



如作者在自序中所言,写书的目的不在留名,而是为了述说。 上帝在一个平凡女子身上所行的奇妙大能。 不是高举神奇迹奇迹奇事, 乃是高举行奇事的主。 「信的人必有神迹随着他们,就是奉我的名赶鬼,说新方言,手能拿蛇;若喝了什么毒物, 也必不受害;手按病人,病人就必好了。 」(马可福音16:17-18) 此书以口述方式—坦率、爽快、生动、风趣,将发生在作者身上、其家庭及其周遭所接触到。 上帝的一切作为一一陈述,文词虽不优美,确是实话实说,精彩有趣、有血有泪。 作者将她从神所领受的,恳切而喜乐地分享出来,如同保罗在哥林多前书9:23所说的:「凡我。 所行的,都是为福音的缘故,为要与人同得这福音的好处。 」 读罢此书能帮助人坚定信心,得到鼓励和造就。

The Confessions of Saint Augustine

Author: St. Augustine

Saint Augustine’s contributions to Christian theology are second to no other post-apostolic author in the whole sweep of church history. Yet along side his doctrinal treatises, Augustine tells a story of his life devoted to Christ as his only satisfaction. The Confessions is at once the Autobiographical account of Augustine’s life of Christian faith and at the same time a compelling theology of Christian spirituality for everyone. Among the most important classics in Western literature, it continues to engage modern readers through Augustine’s timeless illustrations and beautiful prose. Augustine’s Confessions is a book to relish the first time through and then profoundly enjoy over a lifetime of revisiting. // This accessible and accurate translation of The Confessions comes alive with Simon Vance’s narration. Vance is an award-winning audiobook narrator with hundreds of titles to his credit, including classics by Charles Dickens, H. G. Wells, and Robert Louis Stevenson.

我在这里,请差遣我 — 荣耀秀教士自传


请来读这些扣人心弦的真实故事! 来看见荣耀秀姐妹如何在第二次世界大战日本集中营里经验耶稣的信实!! 他如何在中国共产党要活埋他之前十分钟获救的令人屏息注目的景象重现眼前! 来挖掘他多年不间断地住在耶稣同在中的秘诀! 让那充满在他心中圣灵的火焰也焚烧在你心中! 来与他一同旅行到地极,看他里面耶稣同在的荣耀异象如何带领他到各地饥渴的心灵那儿。



倪柝声弟兄生于1903年,福建省福州人,毕业于福建三一书院。 1920在福州天安堂听余慈度教士讲道后,蒙恩得救,遂后接受和受恩教士(Miss Margaret Barber)带领,在灵命上大有长进。 倪柝声除了承继先圣的属灵遗产,本人在神面前又领受了珍贵的亮光。 1972年,倪柝声被主接去后,他那丰厚的属灵价值被全球各地众多信徒所肯定,传记作者更把倪柝声誉为教会历史上罕有的属灵伟人。 倪柝声的名著,被译为多国文字,单是英译本的《正常的基督徒生活》、《人的破碎与灵的出来》,都各已售出数百万册。 倪弟兄的其他著作,不论是中文本,或是他国文字,至今仍造益信徒匪浅。